When assembling a computer for audio recording, it is important to pay attention to each and every component to ensure that everything will work smoothly and you won’t have to bang your head on your desk out of frustration.
It goes without saying that a good CPU and lots of RAM are essential for recording music and getting good audio quality, but what about graphics cards?
Graphics cards don’t affect audio quality since they’re made to process graphics, not sound. Any decent graphics card will do well for recording. However, you shouldn’t go for a card that is too old, as it can slow down the recording process.
In this article, we’ll examine whether a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), often referred to as a graphics card, can affect your audio quality and what role it plays in music production. Read on to learn more about how your graphics card may impact your recording and music.

Will My Graphics Card Affect My Sound Quality?
Your graphics card will not directly affect your sound quality. A malfunctioning or old graphics card can slow down your computer and cause lag and glitches, but graphics cards can’t directly affect your sound quality.
As their name suggests, we use graphics cards to process intensive graphics.
The better your graphics card, the better pictures you’ll get. It simply won’t affect your sound directly, so you don’t need to invest too much money in your graphics card if you’re looking to improve your listening experience.
Can Graphics Card Affect Audio
However, bad GPUs can indirectly have a negative effect on your sound.
If it gets too slow, it can slow down your entire computer and cause many problems and audio issues. This might cause your music to stutter, get distorted, or stop altogether.
This problem can happen because of any other component, and it’s not a problem that’s only tied to GPUs. If one component malfunctions, the whole computer will malfunction.
If that component turns out to be your GPU, you might have to repair it or get a new one, but there is no need to get anything too fancy.
Does a Graphics Card Matter in Recording?
Graphics cards matter in recording because you need one for the interface of your DAW. This doesn’t mean that you need a dedicated graphics card for recording. Any decent graphics card will do fine.
GPUs do have an important role to play in a recording.
You will do all your mixing using a visual interface in a DAW, so naturally, you need a graphics card to display the interface properly. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see anything.
Thankfully, unlike video games or similar software, DAWs are not particularly taxing on your graphics card, so a decent modern GPU will do the job without a problem.
A decade or two ago, buying a dedicated graphics card for audio production was common because the computers weren’t powerful enough. Today, that is not a problem, and you don’t need to worry about it.
Of course, if you have a poor graphics card, it will put way more stress on your CPU and RAM, which may slow down the recording process or even make the DAW crash.
That is why you still have to put some effort into finding a decent graphics card, but it doesn’t need to be high-end.
When You Might Need a Dedicated Graphics Card
Sometimes, you still might want to buy a dedicated graphics card for your recording computer.
This can be beneficial when working with two or more screens. Many producers like doing this because it allows them to put different tasks on different screens and make things much easier to observe.
Some graphics cards will allow you to use only one screen at a time, making them unsuitable if you want multiple screens. If you need to use multiple screens (or you see yourself needing them in the future), get a graphics card that supports that.
And of course, if you have some extra money lying around and you like the idea of having a super-powerful computer, then feel free to get a fancy graphics card. But if you’re on a tighter budget, it’s better to invest in a good CPU.
What Are the Most Important Components for Recording Music?
The most important computer components for recording music are as follows:
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- RAM (Random-Access Memory)
- SSD or HDD (Solid State Drive or Hard Disk Drive)
Since we have established that graphics cards won’t play such a big role in your recording (as well as listening), let’s see what you need for smooth recording.
Your CPU is by far the most significant component when building a recording computer.
The faster it works, the faster your recording process will be. You should not go below eight cores, but as you get more advanced, you can go up to 18 cores. You don’t have to jump to that level as a beginner right away, but make sure that there are enough cores to run everything smoothly.
RAM is the second most important component of your computer.
You don’t have to look only at its size; you should also consider its speed. As a beginner, you should opt for at least 16GB, 1600 MHz, DDR3. More is better in this case, and you can easily upgrade it as you become more advanced, but you don’t have to get the best RAM money can buy right off the bat.
You’ll have to store many different things on your computer when producing music.
Your projects, your finished recordings, and all the samples, plugins, and VST you’ll be using. For that, you need as much memory as you can. You should start with at least 2TB, and it’s best to opt for an SSD, as it allows much faster access.
An important part of your recording setup is a sound card.
It will be the one responsible for translating all the digital information into an analog signal that can be amplified and played through speakers. You don’t need the best sound card money can buy, but make sure to get a good one, as it can greatly improve the quality of your recordings.
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
The last, but not least important component is your DAW.
This is the software you will be using to record, edit, and mix your music PRODUCTION. There are many different options available on the market, so make sure to do your research and choose the one that best suits your needs.
These are the most important components for recording music on your computer. Make sure to get good quality products, as they can greatly improve the quality of your recordings.
Your graphics card won’t influence your sound quality. If it’s outdated or malfunctioning, it can slow down your computer and indirectly negatively affect your listening and recording, but it won’t directly affect them.
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